
Greetings Cadets! Welcome to Space Academy! Playing Kerbal Space Program!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Brings Back All The .24 Oldies But Goldies!

Space Academy has been busy getting the air force fleet up to .90 specifications. The integration of SP+ added a lot of missing parts but also removed some parts critical to KSA’s air breathing fleet. The new parts configuration also created difficulties with the designs of the air craft. Good thing for us we can just put the old parts back! We love this game!

This is the F1B Peacock for the .90 update. This is more air plane then space plane. We like it that way.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

2015: A Space Trailer

Look who else has a teaser?

A shot for shot edit of the 2001: A Space Odyssey ending. Kerbalized, with the pace picked up a bit and a doughnut thrown in… out of scale and like 2001: A Space Odyssey, when you finish watching it you will be asking yourself “What the fuck did I just see?” Watch it and ask yourselves that same question!

Kerbal Space Academy begins flight operations in 2015!

...yes, giant space doughnuts will be involved