
Greetings Cadets! Welcome to Space Academy! Playing Kerbal Space Program!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Emergency Reentry Test

Trials of the modified KG-800 chassis conducted an emergency reentry test. The KG-800 is not meant to renter the atmosphere once in orbit. How ever Bill needed to prove he could survive reentry with just his engines and no chute. 

[UPDATE] Pilot Cmdr Bill Kerman survived with only a minor broken spinal column.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Space Academy Is Going To Drill!

According to this news,
KSP is getting a mission pack inspired by NASA’s Asteroid Initiative. It is going to be a mission to intercept an asteroid big enough to land on. According to the information they are going to Michael Bay it up by putting it on a collision course with Kerbin! They are calling it an extinction level event! This thing has got to be the size of Texas! Instead of sending up actors playing drillers pretending to be astronauts they are going to send Jeb and crew to Shatner the hell out of this one and nudge it into Kerbin orbit! 

KSP just asked us to save Kerbin. Anybody want to say no? This is deep blue hero stuff! Space Academy is in!

Props to Squad for bag’n NASA!

Lets hope we see some mission specific parts!

UPDATE: Apparently we were lied to. CURSE YOU INTERNET!!! We will be lucky if these asteroids are bigger then a jumbo-64. They will probably burn up in the atmosphere. No extinction level event. Maybe some body will make a add on. We are getting new parts tho. So we got that going for us.