
Greetings Cadets! Welcome to Space Academy! Playing Kerbal Space Program!

The Kinetic DONUT Vehicle

The best and brightest minds at Kerbal Space Academy have developed Kerbin’s response to the threat of asteroids on a collision coarse with the planet. A plan conceived over a game of extreme dodge ball. By whacking those asteroids in the face with an object of the right size and density we just might be able to knock the asteroid the fuck out!    

In a joint venture with the Kerbin Bakers Conglomerate, the Kinetic DONUT Vehicle is currently under development at Kerbal Space Academy. The KDV is the scientif-o-maticaly determined correct shape, sponginess and deliciousness to alter an asteroids trajectory by intercepting and deflecting. Not only that but it is nuclear powered!

On its final test the prototype KDV was deliberately crashed into Mun just to see what would happen. Mun survived, the KDV not so much. The President has ordered one dozen DONUTs and has made the asteroid threat his top priority. President Bush Kerman has stated "I am prepared to hurl donut after donut those asteroid bitches!" The President immediately corrected himself stating "I am prepared to hurl donut after donut at those asteroids, Bitches."

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